Abortion Education

It’s been said, knowledge is power. While that can be true, we also know that Truth is transformational. We have seen firsthand the devastation that comes from women not being fully informed about abortion.

What would happen to the support of abortion in our state or country if people truly understood the procedures?

What if we had and could share accurate information about abortion laws?

Does the Abortion Pill Reversal really work?

Having good conversations in your circles of influence is so important right now.  (See the bottom of this page for a parent’s guide to talking to your kids about abortion).  We want to help you do it and do it well.  

We received this resource, The Changing Face of Abortion Today, about the trends of abortion since Roe was overturned. It contains a lot of facts about the state of abortion in our nation. It’s a wealth of information to help aid you in discussions. 

The following informational videos may be helpful for having those discussions.  While some are hard to watch, we encourage everyone to be armed with the truth about these things. 

The Colson Center has given special permission for Care Net affiliates to share the video below on how the Abortion Pill Reversal works.

*Disclaimer: Information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not professional medical advice; is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition and does not substitute for consultation with healthcare professionals. If you are in immediate need of medical assistance, please contact a qualified healthcare professional right away.

The videos below are provided courtesy of Live Action. For more information, go to LiveAction.org

These videos are provided courtesy of Live Action. For more information, go to LiveAction.org

For Parents

If you are a parent who would like information on how to talk to your kids about abortion, the organization Axis came out with a guide. You can find it here.

We also had another resource for parents sent to us called How to Have Age-Appropriate Conversations About Abortion With Your Children

We hope these resources are a help to you as parents.